If you're in recovery and looking to stay accountable or you've been required by the court to attend meetings after a DUI, getting a meeting verification is your next step.

This simple process not only helps you stay committed to your recovery goals but also reassures those around you that you’re making progress. Whether you're new to this or just need a refresher, understanding how meeting verifications work can make the process smoother and less stressful.


What is a Meeting Attendance Verification?

A recovery meeting verification is a letter that confirms you attended a recovery meeting.

This confirmation is documented in a way that you can share with whomever needs to see it, like your probation officer, boss, or family. It usually includes the meeting’s date, time, location, and your name or screen name if an online meeting.

Maintaining privacy and confidentiality is paramount. The verification process is designed to protect the attendee's identity and personal information, ensuring that their recovery journey remains a private matter.


Why Do I Need a Meeting Attendance Verification?

There are three reasons why it might be essential for someone to receive a meeting verification.

  1. Helps You Stay on Track

Knowing that you’ll receive a meeting verification after a meeting can help you stay committed to your recovery goals. It's like having a little nudge to keep showing up.

  1. Reassures Others

It lets your loved ones, employers, or even the court know that you’re serious about your recovery. It’s a way to build trust and show that you’re making progress.

  1. Motivates You

Getting a verification can be a nice pat on the back, reminding you that you’re doing a great job sticking to your recovery plan.


How Do I Get a Meeting Attendance Verification?

There are two types of recovery meetings: Online and in-person. The process for getting a meeting verification is different for both.

Verifications for an In-Person Meeting

At the end of an in-person recovery meeting, the host, facilitator, or organizer will be the one to verify that you attended.

You might have a specific form that needs to be signed or the host might have a generic form they can sign for you. It’s a good idea to contact the host ahead of time to confirm the process.

Verifications for an Online Meeting

At the end of an online meeting, you’ll typically email the host after the meeting ends to request a verification. Response times can vary by host, who is often a volunteer. You might have to email them again to provide a gentle nudge, and it pays to be polite.

You also have an option to get an instant verification from online meetings that offer Pathcheck. Once the following steps are complete, a verification will be instantly emailed to you and anyone else you choose to receive a copy.

Here are the steps:

  1. Sign up for a free Pathcheck account.
  2. Find a meeting with the Pathcheck logo—today, SMART Recovery USA offers the most Pathcheck meetings.
  3. Attend the meeting.
  4. Log in to Pathcheck and provide the meeting code.

That's it! You'll confirm your Zoom screen name and the list of people to receive a copy of your verification, and then it's on the way to your and their inboxes.


Do All Recovery Meetings Provide Verifications?

This varies by recovery program, and sometimes is left to the discretion of the meeting host. If you’re required to get a meeting verification directly from the host, it’s always best to contact them ahead of time to confirm if they will provide one. 

If the meeting displays its Pathcheck code on the recovery program meeting listing then you will know that you can use Pathcheck after the meeting is over. Learn about the different ways to get the Pathcheck code for a meeting.

You Can Do This.

Navigating recovery is challenging, but getting a meeting verification can make a big difference. It’s a way to stay on track, build trust with others, and give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back for your hard work.

Whether your meetings are in-person or online, remember that the verification process is there to support you and keep your journey confidential and secure.